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Hot Dog

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A culinary dinner sandwiching a sausage in an Pan. Consumption leads to an improved sense of fullness for a specific period.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A dish baked by mixing Flour and Milk. It progressively decreases the rate at which one’s sanity decreases when eaten.

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Marinated Mushrooms

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A dish made by marinating Mushroom in a marinade. Eating it temporarily increases work speed.

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Mushroom Soup

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Cream soup made of Mushroom. When eaten, it raises the work speed and improves the stomach fullness for a certain time.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A dish mixing pasta with Egg and Milk. Eating it makes it harder for sanity to decrease and improves Defense by +10% for a certain […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A dish where bacon, Lettuce, Tomato are sandwiched in Pan. Consumption increases the Attack by +15% for a while.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A meal made with a Hamburger with cheese squeezed between it. Upon consumption, it increases the satiety level for a certain period as well as […]

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Baked Berries

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Cooking enhances their nutritional value, and surprisingly, they are quite filling.

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Baked Mushroom

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Cooking this mushroom enhances its nutritional value. Curiously, it’s also quite filling.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Pan made from baked Flour. A tasty staple food.