Gold Coin

Currency traded on Palpagos Island. Can be exchanged for items or Pals with merchants.

Pal Sphere

An item that captures Pals when thrown. Mass produced, it is only effective on low level Pals.

Mega Sphere

An item that captures Pals when thrown. Its capabilities have been improved, allowing it to catch a wider range of Pals.

Giga Sphere

A sphere that captures Pals when thrown. Able to capture moderately powerful Pals.

Hyper Sphere

A sphere that captures Pals when thrown. Able to capture very powerful Pals.

Ultra Sphere

A sphere that captures Pals when thrown. With powerful abilities, not many Pals are able to escape it.

Legendary Sphere

A sphere that captures Pals when thrown. It has extremely powerful capturing capabilities, leaving almost no Pal able to escape.

Radar Sphere

A sphere that captures Pals when thrown. Though it has a low chance of success, it can forcibly capture another person’s Pal.

Large Dragon Egg

An PalEgg_Dragon_03. A strange movement pulses within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.