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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Once he and Paladius were a single species. They say it is the manifestation of negative feelings, but the depths of their eyes contain traces […]

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Frostallion Noct

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Guardian deity of Palpagos Island known as the Night Caller. In the past, when a calamity struck the land, it soared into the sky and […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Look over the island of Palpagos from the ends of the sky. When the calamity awakens again, splitting the earth and setting the heavens on […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It sends electricity into its foes’ wounds, roasting them from the inside out. Fights between Orserk end in the blink of an eye.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

When it finds its prey it unleashes a whirlwind of flames, burning the entire area to ash. Faleris breath is known for its pleasing scent.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

With a friendly smile and a hardy physique, it is docile towards one it recognizes as a partner. For reasons unexplained, its personality undergoes a […]

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Suzaku Aqua

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It was once believed to usher in the rainy season. If there was a flood the previous year, people would relentlessly seek to cull its […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It was once believed to usher in the dry season. Whenever there was a drought in the previous year, people would relentlessly seek to cull […]

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Jormuntide Ignis

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Legend says the Jormuntide Ignis was once a warrior who, after being wrongly convicted and cast into a volcano, returned as this Pal to destroy […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A docile Pal full of love.It watches over small Pals who have lost their parents. It uses a full-power Solar Blast to discipline naughty Pals.