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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A Pal that likes the rain,and will often bask in rain showers until the weather clears up. On rainy days, Foxparks can often be found […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It possesses a demeanor as pure as its appearance suggests. Perhaps because of this, it is sometimes unable to discern good from evil, often allowing […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Its personality changes depending on the quality of the water it was born into. Kelpsea born into polluted waters are generally ill-tempered and quickly become […]

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Kelpsea Ignis

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Their personalities change depending on the temperature of the water where they were born. Kelpsea born in warm waters generally have a passionate, motivated personality.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

This Pal’s white ribbon turns black if doused with impure water. Given its usefulness in detecting poison, this Pal was once overhunted. This past has […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

With the power of shadows it produces arcane phenomena. It prefers to eat food raw and is particularly hostile towards Wixen

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Elphidran Aqua

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It possesses a demeanor as pure as its appearance suggests. Perhaps because of this, it harbors no ill will in any of its actions and […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

A walking contradiction, possessing the strongest shell and the only drill capable of piercing it. “Digtoise’s Fable” is a popular children’s tale.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Some think it is a related species to Beakon, but there is in fact no connection. It mainly eats rocks, and after many long years […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Often appears out of the blue to flaunt its prized wings in front of other Pals.Although it seems to be an intimidation tactic, the Pal […]