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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Its hydrodynamic form is well suited to life in water.Poachers often catch them and use them in place of surfboards.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It relishes the peculiar scent living things give off when they are near death. If a Mariath has taken a liking to you. It is […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Despite its appearance, Kitsun is extremely sensitive and will flee into a cave when spooked. Long ago, it was considered and ill omen if one […]

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Surfent Terra

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Its aerodynamic form is well suited to life on the sand. Poachers often catch them and use them in place of surfboards

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It’s entire body has evolved into a highly efficient radiator, gifting it with astounding stamina.When someone has mounted it, this Pal takes caution not to […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

At full speed, it could be mistaken for a bolt of lightning. If two Rayhounds collide, the sound is like that of a powerful thunderclap.

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Pyrin Noct

January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It burns mysterious dark matter as energy and expels the remaining particles from its body.If someone rides it, they should take care so as not […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

Its transparent cerulean antlers glow with the cold of absolute zero. Any who touch them with their bare hands are instantly frozen over and smashed […]

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

While hibernating, a large number of Swee hide within its voluminous body hair.The most ever recorded is 101.

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January 26, 2024 gevin 0

It used to be considered an emissary of the Thunder God, and thus was not hunted by people. However, after witnesses osberved one die from […]