Decal Gun 5

Strange gun that paints a picture of Relaxaurus where it is fired. Have some fun and paint the walls or ceilings!


Pistol with improved capacity and rapid-fire capabilities. Has more immediate firepower than a MakeshiftHandgun.

Decal Gun 1

Strange gun that paints a picture of Cattiva where it is fired. Have some fun and paint the walls or ceilings!

Decal Gun 2

Strange gun that paints a picture of Lamball where it is fired. Have some fun and paint the walls or ceilings!

Decal Gun 3

Strange gun that paints a picture of Melpaca where it is fired. Have some fun and paint the walls or ceilings!

Decal Gun 4

Strange gun that paints a picture of Anubis where it is fired. Have some fun and paint the walls or ceilings!