
Forbidden existence born of madness. As he lost his genetic relationship with the other Pals, he may no longer be considered one of them.


In the past, he and Necromus were a single species. They say that they are an existence that has freed themselves from all negative feelings, […]


Once he and Paladius were a single species. They say it is the manifestation of negative feelings, but the depths of their eyes contain traces […]


Guardian deity of Palpagos Island, known as the Winter Caller. In the past, when a calamity struck the land, it soared into the sky and […]


Look over the island of Palpagos from the ends of the sky. When the calamity awakens again, splitting the earth and setting the heavens on […]

Frostallion Noct

Guardian deity of Palpagos Island known as the Night Caller. In the past, when a calamity struck the land, it soared into the sky and […]


A docile Pal full of love.It watches over small Pals who have lost their parents. It uses a full-power Solar Blast to discipline naughty Pals.

Lyleen Noct

An elegant Pal full of grace. It admonishes any who are disrespectful with a painful slap. Some Pals actively seek out this punishment.


When it finds its prey it unleashes a whirlwind of flames, burning the entire area to ash. Faleris breath is known for its pleasing scent.


It sends electricity into its foes’ wounds, roasting them from the inside out. Fights between Orserk end in the blink of an eye.