
Contrary to its blasé appearance, it’s quite ferocious.It perceives everything in its sight as prey and will stop at nothing to devour it.


Its personality changes depending on the quality of the water it was born into. Kelpsea born into polluted waters are generally ill-tempered and quickly become […]

Kelpsea Ignis

Their personalities change depending on the temperature of the water where they were born. Kelpsea born in warm waters generally have a passionate, motivated personality.


Seeking a night of love, it is always chasing someone around. At first, it only showed interest in other Pals, but in recent years even […]


Often kind to lonely pals. However, the moment a Pal mistakes this for actual companionship, it seizes the opportunity to blast them with a thunderbolt.


A Pal who’s never without a bright smile. Occasionally, it gets its tentacles tied up in knots by Cattiva’s pranks. During those moments, its expression […]


A frightening Pal that produces exploding eggs. It often fires these eggs from its rear end as a weapon, but when spent the Pal itself […]


It prefers places that have an abundance of vegetation, but hay fever has apparently become a problem for Flopie as of late.


Its gigantic arms can rip apart even iron. As a particularly cruel form of execution, serious criminals would be strung up in a public square, […]

Hangyu Cryst

Its gigantic arms can tear through blocks of ice. There were times when great sinners were tied in the town square and had their hair […]