
While it prefers raw meat, it always ends up eating well-done meat. This is due to its blistering claws, which it uses as its weapon—it […]

Blazehowl Noct

While it prefers raw meat, it always ends up eating tainted meat. This is due to its dark claws, which it uses as its weapon—it […]


With the power of light, it produces arcane phenomena. It prefers to eat food well-done and is particularly hostile towards Katress.


Often appears out of the blue to flaunt its prized wings in front of other Pals.Although it seems to be an intimidation tactic, the Pal […]


When it starts crying, this Pal produces magma in place of tears. The magma that pours out is absorbed back into its body, causing it […]


Its body becomes a blade upon death, to be taken up by the next generation. If someone other than a Bushi wields this blade, the […]


Some think it is a related species to Ragnahawk, but there is in fact no connection. Using its sharp beak, it descends on its prey […]


Its hydrodynamic form is well suited to life in water.Poachers often catch them and use them in place of surfboards.


It relishes the peculiar scent living things give off when they are near death. If a Mariath has taken a liking to you. It is […]


It can curl up its body and roll around at extremely high speeds.Long ago, people would tie bags of milk to domesticated Chillet as they […]