
A savage beast born of the abyss. Thou shall not stand before the beast. Thou shall not heed the beast.

Blazehowl Noct

While it prefers raw meat, it always ends up eating tainted meat. This is due to its dark claws, which it uses as its weapon—it […]


The melodies of a flute made from the exoskeleton of a Vanwyrm are said to cross the whole mountain ranges. In ages past, such flutes […]

Vanwyrm Cryst

The Melodies of a flute made from the exoskeleton of a Vanwyrm Cryst are said to cross whole mountain ranges. In ages past, such flutes […]

Pyrin Noct

It burns mysterious dark matter as energy and expels the remaining particles from its body.If someone rides it, they should take care so as not […]


In the dark of night, this Pal snatches prey to bring back ot its territory. What happens to those poor souls afterwards isn’t too hard […]