
It was once believed to usher in the dry season. Whenever there was a drought in the previous year, people would relentlessly seek to cull […]

Suzaku Aqua

It was once believed to usher in the rainy season. If there was a flood the previous year, people would relentlessly seek to cull its […]


When it finds its prey it unleashes a whirlwind of flames, burning the entire area to ash. Faleris breath is known for its pleasing scent.


It calls forth lightning from the depths of hell. One who dies from Helzephyr’s inferno is sure to be sent to the underworld.


The melodies of a flute made from the exoskeleton of a Vanwyrm are said to cross the whole mountain ranges. In ages past, such flutes […]

Vanwyrm Cryst

The Melodies of a flute made from the exoskeleton of a Vanwyrm Cryst are said to cross whole mountain ranges. In ages past, such flutes […]


Some think it is a related species to Ragnahawk, but there is in fact no connection. Using its sharp beak, it descends on its prey […]


Some think it is a related species to Beakon, but there is in fact no connection. It mainly eats rocks, and after many long years […]


A Pal that can easily take flight even while grasping a human. It is, however, prone to letting go when tired, which has led to […]


Sniffing its scales produces a feeling of unparalleled euphoria.There was some effort to further regulate this byproduct, but the Free Pal Alliance have vehemently opposed […]