
It was once believed to usher in the dry season. Whenever there was a drought in the previous year, people would relentlessly seek to cull […]

Suzaku Aqua

It was once believed to usher in the rainy season. If there was a flood the previous year, people would relentlessly seek to cull its […]


When it finds its prey it unleashes a whirlwind of flames, burning the entire area to ash. Faleris breath is known for its pleasing scent.


Attacking from the shadows, this Pal traps its prey within its cloak-like wings. It’s probably best not to know what happens within them, or why […]


Magma-like blood runs throughout its body. If a large amount of water is thrown on it, this water rapidly heats, causing an immense vapor explosion.

Ice Reptyro

Ice cold blood runs throughout its body. If heated rapidly, its blood evaporates, causing an immense vapor explosion.


With the power of shadows it produces arcane phenomena. It prefers to eat food raw and is particularly hostile towards Wixen


Some think it is a related species to Beakon, but there is in fact no connection. It mainly eats rocks, and after many long years […]


It relishes the peculiar scent living things give off when they are near death. If a Mariath has taken a liking to you. It is […]


It used to be considered an emissary of the Thunder God, and thus was not hunted by people. However, after witnesses osberved one die from […]