
Researchers once tried to shave off its hair to reveal its true form. In the end, only hair was left, as if that was all […]

Wumpo Botan

researchers once tried to cut the grass off its body to reveal its true form. In the end, only grass was left, as if that […]


It possesses a demeanor as pure as its appearance suggests. Perhaps because of this, it is sometimes unable to discern good from evil, often allowing […]

Elphidran Aqua

It possesses a demeanor as pure as its appearance suggests. Perhaps because of this, it harbors no ill will in any of its actions and […]


Often kind to lonely pals. However, the moment a Pal mistakes this for actual companionship, it seizes the opportunity to blast them with a thunderbolt.


It can curl up its body and roll around at extremely high speeds.Long ago, people would tie bags of milk to domesticated Chillet as they […]


Grintale’s eyes light up the moment anyone enters its territory.This is no figure of speech-its eyes literally light up.


Sniffing its scales produces a feeling of unparalleled euphoria.There was some effort to further regulate this byproduct, but the Free Pal Alliance have vehemently opposed […]


A Pal that always takes great care to maintain a stylish stance. Always on the hunt for the coolest poses, if given a mirror it […]

Leezpunk Ignis

A Pal that has an unusual obsession with their standing posture.Always in search of the hottest pose, this Pal’s owner is constantly presented with fervent […]