
With a friendly smile and a hardy physique, it is docile towards one it recognizes as a partner. For reasons unexplained, its personality undergoes a […]


A docile Pal full of love.It watches over small Pals who have lost their parents. It uses a full-power Solar Blast to discipline naughty Pals.

Lyleen Noct

An elegant Pal full of grace. It admonishes any who are disrespectful with a painful slap. Some Pals actively seek out this punishment.


Magma-like blood runs throughout its body. If a large amount of water is thrown on it, this water rapidly heats, causing an immense vapor explosion.

Ice Reptyro

Ice cold blood runs throughout its body. If heated rapidly, its blood evaporates, causing an immense vapor explosion.


Researchers once tried to shave off its hair to reveal its true form. In the end, only hair was left, as if that was all […]

Wumpo Botan

researchers once tried to cut the grass off its body to reveal its true form. In the end, only grass was left, as if that […]


The castle was filled with the king’s favorite flowers. A great battle ensued, and flames approached the castle. Amidst the chaos, the spirit of a […]


A Pal that likes the rain,and will often bask in rain showers until the weather clears up. On rainy days, Foxparks can often be found […]


Often appears out of the blue to flaunt its prized wings in front of other Pals.Although it seems to be an intimidation tactic, the Pal […]