
A savage beast born of the abyss. Thou shall not stand before the beast. Thou shall not heed the beast.


Contrary to its blasé appearance, it’s quite ferocious.It perceives everything in its sight as prey and will stop at nothing to devour it.

Relaxaurus Lux

One day, Relaxaurus had an idea. Maybe it was about time for a change. Just then, an electric shock raced through its body!


It possesses a demeanor as pure as its appearance suggests. Perhaps because of this, it is sometimes unable to discern good from evil, often allowing […]

Elphidran Aqua

It possesses a demeanor as pure as its appearance suggests. Perhaps because of this, it harbors no ill will in any of its actions and […]


This Pal’s white ribbon turns black if doused with impure water. Given its usefulness in detecting poison, this Pal was once overhunted. This past has […]


It relishes the peculiar scent living things give off when they are near death. If a Mariath has taken a liking to you. It is […]


It can curl up its body and roll around at extremely high speeds.Long ago, people would tie bags of milk to domesticated Chillet as they […]


Grintale’s eyes light up the moment anyone enters its territory.This is no figure of speech-its eyes literally light up.


In ancient times, carnivorous Pals pursued them relentlessly. The Arsox’s irrational rage transformed into a raging inferno, which has been passed on to this day.