
Legends say it was born during a volcanic eruption. A strange group even claims that this continent is laid upon the back of a giant […]


It can easily climb steep mountains with its hard claws. However, its short legs make it difficult to descend, often leaving it stranded in high […]


While it prefers raw meat, it always ends up eating well-done meat. This is due to its blistering claws, which it uses as its weapon—it […]

Blazehowl Noct

While it prefers raw meat, it always ends up eating tainted meat. This is due to its dark claws, which it uses as its weapon—it […]


Its personality changes depending on the quality of the water it was born into. Kelpsea born into polluted waters are generally ill-tempered and quickly become […]

Kelpsea Ignis

Their personalities change depending on the temperature of the water where they were born. Kelpsea born in warm waters generally have a passionate, motivated personality.


Its body becomes a blade upon death, to be taken up by the next generation. If someone other than a Bushi wields this blade, the […]


Despite its appearance, Kitsun is extremely sensitive and will flee into a cave when spooked. Long ago, it was considered and ill omen if one […]


The one who possesses the most impressive antlers becomes the leader of the herd. If their antlers are broken, they become depressed and leave the […]

Eikthyrdeer Terra

The individual with the hardest horns becomes the leader. Once the horns are lost, so too is the leadership status. It leaves the herd admist […]